清華學院  國立清華大學




Q 下書院 × UCL筆友交換

  天下書院邀請到倫敦大學學院 UCL 的 同學一起 舉辦 筆友交換活動透過跨國聯合舉辦活動,讓參與的同學對英國及台灣之醫療健保差異更加了解。 而 在三次的來回手寫信中,同學們 也 建立一段難能可貴的跨國友情 期間更是舉辦了 兩次的線上見面會 ,清大同學們得以與英國的朋友見面、討論議題和練 習 英文口說 。

( 圖說:筆友交換活動線上見面會 )


Q 國家特色分享系列_印度篇

  天下書院的特色活動之一為國家特色分享系列 ,每次活動都有不同的國家主題 會邀請該國講 者講解當地的傳統習俗、特色 也會有實作環節讓台灣的同學可以實際體驗到異國文化 。

     印度場則邀請到來自印度的講者 為我們介紹印度文化, 包括印度的傳統服裝紗麗 、 飲食文化還有 排燈節的習俗 講者也帶來了精采的寶萊塢 舞蹈體驗 現場還可以實作印度拉茶! 參與的同學都收穫滿滿。


( 圖說:現場教學寶萊塢舞蹈 )

( 圖說:印度傳統彩繪 Henna )


Q 台灣節慶活動_大甲媽祖繞境


( 圖說:天下書院院生與外籍生一起體驗媽祖繞境 )


Q 日本茶道活動


( 圖說:日本茶道活動 )

( 圖說:現場體驗日本茶道 )


Q 西北大學語伴交流活動報導

  Language Partners Project between National Tsing Hua University and Northwestern University

活動日期:4/16-5/28 每周五8:30~9:30
清華-林佩錡 老師
     西北-顧利程 老師、謝文彬 助教

Date: 4/16-5/28 Friday 8:30~9:30
Instructor:Teacher Pei-Chih Lin from Tsinghua University
       Professor Li-Cheng Gu, Assistant Professor Wen-Pin Hsieh from Northwest University


( 圖說:清華與西北交流計畫,視訊上課畫面 )
Photo of online meetings

  Various media and Internet resources convey stereotypes of different cultures. This has become the first step for the public to learn about other countries. The comparison of East and West, Asia and America, Taiwan and the United States all brings similar concepts to our minds.

  This Northwestern University language partner exchange program is to promote the students from National Tsing Hua University and Northwestern University to increase their understanding of Taiwan and American culture, also to help them improve their English and Chinese communication skills in the context of cooperative learning. The theme of the program is to explore the cultural differences between Taiwan and the United States-education, the system of entering higher education and their impact on family relationships. In the second semester of the 109 academic year, 4/16~5/28, a seven-week exchange program. In order to cope with the time difference between Taiwan and the United States, the class time for Northwestern University students in the United States is 7:30~8:00 every Thursday evening. While for students from National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan, they need to participate in the online meeting from 8:30 to 9:30 every Friday morning.

  In order to have a deeper exchange, the teachers from both schools divided 13 students from Northwest University and 15 students from Tsing Hua University into groups. Each group has 1 student from Northwest and 1-2 students from Tsing Hua University. The content of the program included a special lecture and six exchange activities between the students of the two schools, including four group discussions and two final presentations. Except for special lectures which are mainly in English, other activities are conducted in both Chinese and English. The main goal for Northwestern University’s students in class is to learn Chinese and cultural exchanges. Also learn to use simple Chinese vocabulary to improve their Chinese ability. While communicate with each other in English is one of the goals for Tsinghua students in this program. In the part of the final presentation, each group wrote a written report in both Chinese and English, and gave an oral report in both Chinese and English.

  每週活動從4/15 (4/16) 第一次視訊,相見歡ice-breaking後透過基本問題來認識語伴 (breakout rooms);4/22 (4/23) 第二次視訊,親子關係文化差異初探,開場(5-10分鐘),分組討論關於親子關係相關議題 (40-45分鐘 Breakout rooms),最後回到main session,學生須簡短摘要剛才談話內容;4/29 (4/30) 第三次視訊,為天下書院林佩錡老師的專題講座——東西方親子關係差異與衝突處理;5/6 (5/7) 第四次視訊,主題為談做菜,每一位同學需要在鏡頭前示範做出一到菜,菜色不限,並寫出食譜含材料與步驟 (西北以中文書寫、清華以英文書寫);
  This weekly program started from the first online meeting on 4/15 (4/16). After ice-breaking, students got to know the language partners through basic questions and breakout rooms. On 4/22 (4/23) the second meeting, opening session (5-10 minutes), group discussion about parent-child relationship related issues (40-45 minutes Breakout rooms), and finally back to the main session, students must briefly summarize the content of the conversation. On 4/29 (4/30) The third meeting is a special lecture given by Teacher Pei-Chih Lin of the Global program—The Differences and Conflict Handling of Parent-Child Relationship between East and West. On 5/6 (5/7) The fourth meeting, students talked about cooking, every student needed to demonstrate in front of the camera to make a dish, the dishes were not limited, and also share the recipes with each other.


( 圖說:清華與西北交流計畫,視訊做菜分享 )
Photo of cooking dishes

5/13 (5/14) 第五次視訊,為討論最終口頭和書面報告的內容;5/20 (5/21) & 5/27 (5/28) 第六及第七次視訊,為最後的分組口頭成果報告。
As for the last two meetings, every group gave a final oral presentation on the topic of the differences between eastern and western family.


( 圖說:清華與西北交流計畫,期末報告視訊畫面 )
Photo of final oral presentation

  Language Partners Project was a great program for students from different countries. The students from both sides need to complete the final report together, so there is a lot of interactions. In the final meeting, teachers and students on both sides hope to have the opportunity of actual exchange visits in the future, and promised that the friends who met during this exchange event will be warmly received if they come to Tsing Hua or Northwest one day.

西北大學5  西北大學6

( 圖說:清華與西北交流計畫,清華大學與西北大學的參與證明 )

Photo of certificate of Language Partners Project


Q Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk! matches a pair of people who want to learn each other’s language(s). The program aims to provide a platform to facilitate friendliness and familiarity amongst local students and international students who reside with NTHU and NCTU. For example, a Chinese native speaker who’d like to learn German and/or English will be paired with a German and/or English native speaker who wishes to learn Chinese. Let’s Talk! is hosted by the NTHU Global Program, an academy system that houses students, opens courses and organizes events to promote cultural exchange and international experience.




Q Welcome Toast



天下異國交流02 天下異國交流03


Q Taiwanese Culture Experience 

此次邀請到張淵智老師與陳柏維老師當任工作坊的講師,他們為專業的面師,對於臉譜上有非常深入的了解與專業的臉譜繪製能力,在兩位面師的細心指導下我們在面具上完成了柳將軍的臉譜繪製,面師現場徵求了數位與會同學當任臉譜模特,進行局部或全臉的彩繪,並且穿著完整服裝與手持神器,體驗扮演家將的感覺,相信對於每位同學均是十分難得的體驗。 經過此次的家將文化講座與工作坊,讓我們與許多外籍學生能更加了解家將文化,並且有機會體會其文化與藝術之美。



( 圖說:柳將軍的臉譜繪製 )
